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Oral health education is provided in every camp to the residents of the place. Oral health education is provided with the help of lecture, power point presentation, posters, models, and demonstration. When the patient comes to the department education is imparted to the patient by taking him through the museum displaying various charts and models pertaining to oral health.
Students education they taught in an interactive manner for better understanding and also to increase their intellectual skills. Fieldworks like PHC, Old age home, orphanage, handicapped schools visits are undertaken. To enhance students’ understanding of the social setting, the assessment of its problem and program planning to solve the condition. Field surveys are encouraged to provide them the first experience in planning and evaluation, data collection, presentation, and analysis.
Workshop on Critical Evaluation of Article
Critical review of a journal article evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of an article’s ideas and content. It provides description, analysis and interpretation that allow the readers to assess the article’s value. It is necessary for PG students to incorporate this skill. Thus, this was an attempt to increase their awareness regarding it.
Screening and awareness camp, Sun park society, Mahesana
Health Education of Oral Health- Oral health varies over the life course from early life to old age is integral to general health and supports individuals in participating in society and achieving their potential. Many diseases can thus be prevented by just keeping the good care of oral health. This was the aim of the health education provided.
Screening and awareness camp, Rampura, Unjha
Awareness of Periodontal Disease- The importance of periodontal health is still a neglected and ignored social issue because most of the people are unaware of the relationship between periodontal health and systemic diseases. This was to make people understand the importance of periodontal tissue health, etiology, diseases and treatment.
Screeing and awareness camp, Dela
Awareness of Tooth Brushing Technique- The importance of health of oral cavity is still a neglected and ignored social issue because most of the people are unaware of the relationship between periodontal health and systemic diseases. Easiest way to prevent oral diseases is by cleaning the oral cavity. Thus with this students educated the people to take care of their dentition.
National Tooth Brushing Day Celebration Vadnagar Primary School no. 1
The importance of health of oral cavity is still neglected and ignored social issue because most of the people are unaware of the relationship between periodontal health and systemic diseases. Easiest way to prevent oral diseases is by cleaning the oral cavity. Thus with this students educated the school children to take care of their dentition and oral health.
GMDC, Overnight Ambaji camp
Health Education of Oral Health- Oral health varies over the life course from early life to old age is integral to general health and supports individuals in participating in society and achieving their potential. Many diseases can thus be prevented by just keeping good care of oral health. This was the aim of the health education provided.
Screening and awareness camp, Chadasana
Awareness of Tooth Brushing Technique and Oral Health Education – The importance of health of oral cavity is still a neglected and ignored social issue because most of the people are unaware of the relationship between periodontal health and systemic diseases. Easiest way to prevent oral diseases is by cleaning the oral cavity. Thus with this students educated the people to take care of their dentition.
Screening and awareness camp, Mandali
Health Education of Oral Health- Oral health varies over the life course from early life to old age is integral to general health and supports individuals in participating in society and achieving their potential. Many diseases can thus be prevented by just keeping good care of oral health. This was the aim of the health education provided.
World No Tobacco Week (Outreach Programme)
Awareness regarding ill effects of Tobacco use – Using tobacco imparts growing harms not only to our health but the health of farmers as well as the planet’s health. The tobacco industry interferes with attempts to substitute tobacco growing, contributing to the global food crisis. This campaign encourages governments to end tobacco growing subsidies and use the savings to support farmers to switch to more sustainable crops that improve food security and nutrition.
National Public Health Dentist Day (outreach programme, Kamana Pri. School no.3)
National Dentist’s Day is celebrated in India yearly on 19th June. This day is used to promote the significance of oral wellbeing and cleanliness among the masses. The day recognizes the contributions of dental specialists and dental experts in promoting great oral wellbeing and preventing oral illnesses. This program made the younger generation aware of their oral health care needs and imparted knowledge about prevention of oral diseases to them.
Visit to Banas Dairy, Palanpur
World Oral Health Day (Screening and Health education, Kadi village, Mehsana)
WOHD 2023 marked the culmination of the three-year “Be Proud of Your Mouth” campaign, which was launched in 2021 with the aim to inspire lasting and positive change by educating people on the vital role a healthy mouth plays in our lives. Thus, this is an attempt to make them aware of the healthy oral hygiene habits, common oral diseases, their treatment and prevention.
Disaster Management & Fire Safety
A disaster is a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources. Health care professional have crucial role in educating the people about the preventive strategies practiced during the disaster situations as well as in taking care of the injured after the disaster. Thus with this we made an attempt to give them a brief idea about the subject.
PHC Visit ,Godhva
Primary health care ensures people receive comprehensive care – ranging from promotion and prevention to treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care – as close as feasible to people’s everyday environment. To understand the working environment at PHC is of importance for budding dentists as this the first contact area for the underprivileged with the healthcare system. This was an attempt to make the Undergraduate and Postgraduate students to understand the gravity of burden of oral diseases in remote part of the nation.
Water Purification Visit, Valam
Water purification is the process of removing undesirable chemicals, biological contaminants, suspended solids and gases from contaminated water. The goal of this process is to produce water fit for a specific purpose. This was a part of the curriculum of the Department of Public Health Dentistry. This field visit proved to be useful for students as they learnt the insight about water treatment process and drinking water quality.
Organized PHC & WPP visit for UG & PG students
Department of Public Health Dentistry, Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar, organized Primary Health Centre and Water Purification Plant visit for undergraduate and Post graduate students. Students visited a primary health centre at Gothwa village in Mehsana district and Water Purification plant at Valam, Dist. Mehsana on 03/01/2025 to know the organization, structure and function of both bodies.

Achievements of the Department:
- Total 5 International Books, 50 articles, 3 patents and 3 copyrights have been published by faculty.
- Department has received 6,30,000 INR grant from World Health Organization in 2022 to create awareness among general population of Mehsana district regarding the ill-effects of tobacco use.
- Various research activities with grants from SSIP are being conducted in the
- Rahul Patel (Prof and HOD) was invited as a Guest Speaker as K. M. Shah Dental College and hospital on Sizing the Study: Art of Sample Estimation.
- Ekta Patel secured 1st rank in scientific poster presentation at 15TH IAPHD PG Convention, Pune.
- Meghal Patel secured 2nd rank in paper presentation at “27th National IAPHD Conference, Gurugram”
- Pooja Jain secured 1ST Rank in Memes competition and Photography Competition at 15TH IAPHD PG Convention, Pune.
- Pooja Jain secured 2ND prize for poster presentation during the “METAMORPH2023”.