August 12 to August 18, 2024
The “Anti-Ragging Awareness Week” was held from August 12 to August 18, 2024, at Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar, Gujarat. The program was inaugurated by Dr. Vilas Patel (Dean, NPDCH) and was attended by department heads, teaching and non-teaching staff, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students.
August 12 to August 18, 2024
The “Anti-Ragging Awareness Week” was held from August 12 to August 18, 2024, at Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar, Gujarat. The program was inaugurated by Dr. Vilas Patel (Dean, NPDCH) and was attended by department heads, teaching and non-teaching staff, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students.
BDS Orientation Program and White Coat Ceremony
BDS Orientation Program and White Coat Ceremony-2023
BDS Orientation Program and White coat ceremony 2023 was organized by Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Sankalchand Patel University on 13/12/2023. The Ceremony was graced with the presence of Guest of honour and DCI member Dr Hiren Bhojak, Hon’ble Provost Dr P. M. Uadani, Respected Dean, Dr Vilas Patel, all the heads of the departments, other faculty members and all the 1st year BDS students.
After the lamp lighting ceremony, Dr Vilas Patel warmly welcomed the gathering and introduced the audience about the session and emphasized the importance of white coat. Provost Dr P. M. Udani addressed the gathering and motivated them to pursue greatness and respect the white coat.
Then students were called upon the stage and white coat ceremony was conducted by the dignitaries, all the heads of the departments and other faculty members. Followed by that, Oath recitation was conducted by Dr. Sareen Duseja, Chief UG Coordinator.
The vote of thanks was proposed by Dr Kavan Patel. Dr Rahul Patel, admission committee member, took in depth orientation lecture and explained about the anti ragging policy and measures taken by Sankalchand Patel University.
On August 16, 2024
On August 16, 2024, Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College, Visnagar, hosted a farewell program for its interns. The event, attended by both the interns and their parents, included a formal felicitation ceremony where the interns were honored by the Dean and the heads of the various departments. The program celebrated the interns’ achievements and contributions during their tenure at the college.
On August 16, 2024, Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College, Visnagar, hosted a farewell program for its interns. The event, attended by both the interns and their parents, included a formal felicitation ceremony where the interns were honored by the Dean and the heads of the various departments. The program celebrated the interns’ achievements and contributions during their tenure at the college.
Dental Academic Field Visits
Organized PHC & WPP visit for UG & PG students 2025
Department of Public Health Dentistry, Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar, organized Primary Health Centre and Water Purification Plant visit for undergraduate and Post graduate students. Students visited a primary health centre at Gothwa village in Mehsana district and Water Purification plant at Valam, Dist. Mehsana on 03/01/2025 to know the organization, structure and function of both bodies.
Dental Academic Field Visits
SHODH-2024 (Research Orientation Program for Interns)
The annual research orientation program for Interns of Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital ‘SHODH-2024’ was conducted by Interns’ coordinator committee from 10/12/24 to 12/12/24. The program was organized to introduce Interns to fundamentals of Research and various funding agencies for Research promotion. The program was conducted to incline students towards Research and innovation.
Prakharta Manthan-2024 (Research Orientation Program for Post-graduate Students)
The PG Coordinator Committee of Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College & Hospital, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar had organized an Orientation Program for the MDS batch of 2024-25 on 3rd December 2024. The students were informed about the curriculum they will be studying in the next three years, along with the minimum requirements of DCI to complete MDS Program.
The Orientation Program was followed by a five days Research Orientation “Prakharta Manthan 5.0” which was conducted from 3rd to 7th December 2024. The students were explained about the core Research topics including Selection of Research topic, Clinical trials, systematic review, meta analysis, statistical tests, interdisciplinary Research, plagiarism, publishing the Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
The sessions were conducted by the in-house faculties. The five days Program ended with a smile of satisfaction on the faces of the students, and a desire to learn more about Research.
Dental Academic Field Visits
Sensitizing Excellence: Empowering Non-Teaching Staff at Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital
A Sensitization Program for Non teaching staff was organized by Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Sankalchand Patel University. Aim of this program was to educate and sensitize non-teaching staff about important issues, such as mannerisms, behaviors and professionalism in the college and campus. This Program for Non-Teaching Staff was a resounding success, achieving its objectives and receiving positive feedback from all participants. We look forward for building on this momentum and continuing support for the growth and development of the institution through such sensitization programs.

Guinness World Record
Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College & Hospital (Managed by Nootan Sarva Vidyalaya Kelavani Mandal Trust) was awarded the Guinness World Record for conducting “The largest dental health check-in 24 hours at a single venue” on 17th February 2016 at S.K. Campus, Visnagar.
The grand event involved dental health check of 15,000 participants, which was performed by a team of over 125 qualified dentists.
IDA Gujarat State Annual Conference
Executive committee meeting held on 20/8/2017, at Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College & Hospital, SPU Campus, Visnagar. It was accepted by the EC members to conduct the 47th IDA Gujarat State Annual Conference at Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Visnagar. For the first time in history of Gujarat an institute was hosting IDA conference and hence established a landmark in the dental fraternity. Committees were formed and the work was delegated immediately. The committees were headed by Dr. JR Patel as organizing chairman and Dr. Kamal Bagda as organizing secretary.
Colleges were visited individually by committee members to motivate the students to attend and participate in the conference. Practitioners were also motivated to attend the conference. All the committee members enthusiastically worked for the conference.

IPS National PG Convention
The annual chain of academic meets ensures the implementation of research into practice to serve the humanity at its best. Such scientific feasts help in bridging the gap between faculties and students for exchanging and disseminating the excellence, that enrich the skills beyond theboundaries.
With the great pride and privilege, we feel honor to announce that Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College & Hospital, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar, Gujarat in association with Indian Prosthodontic Society, Gujarat State Branch had organized the 21stIPS National PG Convention from 5th-7thApril, 2019 with the grandsuccess.
With almost 1500 delegates, 22 Preconference Courses, first time ever conducted Master Classes by 10 renowned academicians from across the nation, Prostho Quiz, Teeth Arrangement Competition, 309 Student Oral Paper and 212 E-Poster Presentations, 12 One On One session, 84 Table Clinics, and numerous scientific deliberations from galaxy of eminent speakers provided the opportunity for the participants to exchange views, ideas and experiences for the betterment of the Prosthodontic services towards the society.
Organ Donation Pledge
As a part of Honorable Prime Minister Mr.Narendra Modi’s birthday celebration, Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital organize “Organ donation pledge” program on 16-09-2021.In which teaching and non teaching staff along with interns and senior students took pledge of the same.

Service to society is service to Nation
Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital organizes “Corona warrior” certificate distribution ceremony to appreciate the Medical staff, Students and Non teaching staff for their selfless efforts during Covid-19 pandemic situation
National Doctor’s Day Celebration 2022
01/07/2022 was celebrated as the National Doctor’s Day in the college. Various activities like dental camp and spreading awareness among patients were done by the department faculties.
“Ek Selfie Doctor Ke Sath”
The faculties of Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College & Hospital, Visnagar explained the role of a doctor and a dentist to the patients reporting to the OPD of the college and also informed the patients about their daily activities they perform as a dentist/doctor.
All the patients visiting the dental college were explained the importance of general and oral health, and how the doctors & dentists are continuously working to help the general population in improving their health status and quality of life. Patients have taken selfies with the doctors and were delighted to know about the doctors/dentists.