About Us

Periodontology is the speciality of dentistry concerned with supporting structures of teeth and diseases pertaining to them. The Department of Periodontology was established at NPDCH in the year 2008 and the post-graduation program started from the year 2012. From the beginning till date, the department is involved in training undergraduate students by empowering them with knowledge and skills in the field of Periodontology so as to enable them in thorough oral health assessment, diagnosis and treatment of different periodontal disease. The postgraduate program in Periodontology aims at preparing students competent in teaching, clinical work & research activities. All round training is provided to postgraduate students to enhance and sharpen their surgical skills for performing various therapeutic procedures around periodontal and peri-implant tissues.
The Department actively and enthusiastically organizes various programs to aid the students in continuous professional development and understanding the contemporary developments in the field. The Department has conducted National Level programs like ISP-Parichay and clinical skill enhancement programs like Perio-RAPID to acquaint students with recent advances in Periodontology and Implant dentistry. Department is also inclined to conduct Extension activities like annual camps (Pyorrhoea Patan Abhiyan) and Eco-Drive for promoting use of sustainable methods of Oral health maintenance and actively participated in 50 days drive of “No bleeding gums” organized by Indian Society of Periodontology.
The Department has always stood for its “Tradition of Excellence” and shall continue sowing its seeds
of wisdom for many more years to come…
Dept of Periodontology, Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Sankalchand Patel University in collaboration with Indian Society of Periodontology, is organizing a 50 days drive – “Say No to bleeding gums” under Pink Health Initiative to create awareness about gum health and diseases from 1/2/2024 to 20/3/2024. The drive constitutes a screening and oral health awareness campaign amongst general population with a special focus on Women gum health. As part of this drive “National Periodontist day” was celebrated on 23/2/2024 with a play and flashmob for increasing social consciousness about importance of oral health. Various educational activities like Graffiti art, slogan making, soap carving, poster and reels presentation were also conducted for students’ motivation.
Department of Periodontology, Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Sankalchand Patel, Visnagar University organized an expert lecture webinar “Perio-Vishleshan” (PG Enrichment Program) on 6th August 2024. This Program was organized under leadership of Organizing Chairperson, HOD, Department of Periodontology, Dr. Hiral Parikh. The program was well co-ordinated with the efforts of Dr. Shilpa Duseja, Organizing Secretary, and Faculty Members of Department of Periodontology Dr. Jalpa Patel, Dr. Priya Patel and Dr. Jahanvi Chavda. The speakers, Dr. Bhaumik Nanavati (BDS, MDS Periodontology, BOARD Certified Master of International Congress of Implantologist) gave very interactive deliberation on “Understanding the art of Sinus Lifts Using Crestal Approach” followed by an equally interesting question-answer session and Demonstration. Around 81 Under-graduate Students and Post-graduate students have attended the Lecture.
World Oral Health Day Initiative
Department of Periodontology, Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Sankalchand Patel University in collaboration with Indian Society of Periodontology, organized World Oral Health day initiative (50 days drive of “Say No to bleeding Gums”) commencing from 1/2/2024 to 20/3/2024. The program was organized to motivate general population about oral health and an interactive session was conducted with them to clarify their concerns regarding periodontal health and need of professional intervention.
Perio RAPID 2024
Department of Periodontology, Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Sankalchand Patel University organized a 4 day National clinical skill enhancement program Perio-RAPID 2024 from 23/4/2024 to 26/4/2024. The program comprised of very interactive and insightful deliberations by eminent speakers Dr. Krishanan Saraiya, Dr. Suresh Ludhwani and Dr. Rashmi Hegde. Live demonstrations on placement and prosthetic workflow of All on 4/6 implants and workshop on Guided implantology were well appreciated by all students. Faculty and student’s scientific presentations were also done on Day-4 of the event.
National Oral Hygiene week
1st August is a very special day among dentists and more so for periodontists as we are the guardians of the mouth. A week-long educational and theme based programme were organized for National Oral Hygiene Day celebration from 27/07/2023 to 2/08/2023 This programme was conducted by Department of Periodontology,Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar in collaboration with Indian Society of Periodontology. The theme for the programme was “BE THE ECODONTIST”.
Perio Cusp
Department Of Periodontology, Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Sankalchand Patel University is proud to announce a scientific program on “Perio CUSP-A Clinical Union of Special case Presentation” covering the Regenerative techniques does not only represent an evolving field, but it also greatly enhances the quality of the lives of our patients which was conducted on 02/05/2023–04/05/2023. We are truly in an exciting period in dentistry as it relates to periodontal tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Many formidable developments are on the horizon in the coming years and this programme lays the groundwork to prepare us for this future!
Perio Rapid 2023
Department of Periodontology, Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Sankalchand Patel University organized a 4 day National clinical skill enhancement program Perio-RAPID 2023 from 22/3/2023 to 25/3/2023. The program comprised of very interactive and insightful deliberations by eminent speakers Dr. Sandip Singh, Dr. Pinak Kapadia and Dr. Ashvini Padhye. Live demonstrations on preparation of different generations of platlet concentrates and also demonstration of peri implant procedure. Faculty and student’s scientific presentations were also done on Day-4 of the event.
Perio-Vishleshan 2023
Department of Periodontology, Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Sankalchand Patel University in collaboration with MAHSA University and ACPM Dental College and Hospital, Dhule organized an expert lecture webinar series “Perio-Vishleshan” on 02/03/2023 – 05/03/2023.
The speakers, Dr. Padmini Hari (Associate Professor, Dept of Periodontology, MAHSA University, Malaysia) and Dr. Laxmi Tejaswin Polepalle (Associate Professor, Dept of Periodontology, MAHSA University, Malaysia) gave very interactive deliberations followed by an equally interesting question and answer session.
National Periodontist Day
A National Periodontist Day was Declared by Indian Society of Periodontology on 23rd February which was celebrated by Department of Periodontology, Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Sankalchand Patel University on 23/02/2023. The theme for the program was “Healthy gum, Healthy Body”.
Various activities conducted in this program were Oral Health Awareness Camp, Public Gum Disease Awareness Presentation Competition and Public Gum Disease Awareness Reel Making Competition. Around 47 UG and PG students have participated in these competitions. Prizes were given to winners and certificates were given to all participants.
Beyond BDS
Department of Periodontology, Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Sankalchand Patel University organized a career counseling program “Beyond BDS” for interns and final year students on 12/09/2022. The speakers, Dr. Rita Poptani (Pedodontist) gave an in depth insight about the areas to be focused on while preparing for PG entrance. She discussed in detail about how to select reading material and how not to devote time on aspects not usually covered during entrance examinations. The second speaker Dr. Pathik Dholakia who is currently working as in-charge Superintendant and Head of Dept of Dentistry at Govt Community health centre Kuvadva, gave detailed knowledge about the alternative vocational aspects after BDS. Dr. Anand Bhalodi a leading practitioner in Rajkot was the third speaker for the day who discussed about criterias for selection of subject for post graduation.
Suturing: Seal to Heal
Department of Periodontology, Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Sankalchand Patel University organized a workshop “Suturing: Seal to Heal” which is one of the most essential aspect of surgical Periodontology on 09/08/2022. The speakers, Dr. Meet Trivedi delivered a deliberation on “Suture materials and General Principles of Suturing in surgery” and Dr. Shilpa Duseja discussed “Suturing in Periodontology: Didactics and Clinical applications”. The lectures were followed by workshop on the same by Dr. Jalpa Patel and Dr. Priya Patel. Demonstration of suturing techniques used in Periodontology was done by mentors and participants did a hands-on for the same techniques.
ISP Parichay
Department of Periodontology, Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and hospital, Sankalchand Patel University organized a two day National post graduate research orientation program on 25/03/2022–26/03/2022 in collaboration with Indian Society of Periodontology (ISP).
The scientific session started again on 26th March at 9.30 am and extended till 4.00 pm in the evening followed by the Valedictory function. The ISP officials, speakers and panelists, were thanked and organizing team and volunteers were felicitated for their efforts and teamwork by Dr. Anirban Chatterjee (Hon’ble President, ISP).

“The Department of Periodontology at Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College has accomplished several notable achievements, demonstrating its commitment to excellence in education, research, and community service. One of its significant accomplishments was hosting the Perio Rapid conference in 2023, a flagship event that brought together professionals, academics, and students from across the country to share knowledge, innovations, and best practices in the field of periodontics.
Additionally, the department has been enthusiastically celebrating Periodontics Week every year, as part of the Perio community. This annual celebration recognizes the contributions and achievements of periodontics, while also promoting awareness about the importance of periodontics care.
Furthermore, the department has been actively involved in research and innovation, with a focus on advancing the field of periodontics. To this end, the department has applied for various projects funded by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the Student Start-up Innovation Policy (SSIP). These projects aim to explore new technologies, materials, and techniques that can improve patient outcomes and quality of life. By engaging in research and innovation, the department is at the forefront of periodontics care, providing students and faculty members with opportunities for growth and development.”
More than 30 books and 20 articles have been published by faculty in last 2 years. Various Research oriented activities with grants from ICMR and SSIP are being conducted in the department.
- Dr. Hiral Parikh (Prof and HOD) and Dr. Shilpa Duseja (Professor) have completed their PhD degrees.
- Dr. Hiral Parikh (Prof and HOD) was invited as a keynote speaker to various National academic programs like Perio-Vista and Sameeksha for deliberation.
- Dr. Jahanvi chavda has won the 1St position in scientific poster presentations in DentoGenerative international symposia on nanotechnology, research and regenerative therapy in implantology and dentistry held at Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, SPU in 2022.
- Dr. Jahanvi Chavda secured the 2nd position in the scientific presentation competition of National Periodontist’s day organised by the Department of Periodontology, NPDCH, SPU in 2023.
- Dr. Jahanvi Chavda has secured 2nd position for presenting scientific paper at Perio Vista 2023, organized by terna dental college, Mumbai.