About Us

Orthodontics Department is one of the finest departments in the state, with all treatment modalities like basic removable appliances, functional appliances, fixed as mechanotherapy namely as Begg Appliance, pre-adjusted edgewise appliance, lingual orthodontics, aligner therapy etc. Department boasts about the highest number of cases which get started every month.
Since the inception the department has trained and produced more than 50 orthodontists who have acquired fame not only in India but also internationally. On an average the department treats more than 100 patients every week The treatment procedures involve correction of crooked, malaligned, protruded teeth and bad or incorrect bite (Malocclusion), growth modification, TM joint problems, etc.
An interdisciplinary approach is provided to the patient for best results which include:
⦁ Adult Orthodontics,
⦁ Orthognathic Surgery.
⦁ Use of micro implants.
⦁ Use of bone screw.
Curriculum for undergraduates includes power point presentation, hands-on-demo, clinical exercise & patients, which are guided & taught by highly qualified and skilled faculty members and staff.
Practice management and ethical marketing
Comprehensive symposium equips orthodontic professionals with the essential tools and knowledge to excel in practice management and ethical marketing. Explore the latest strategies and best practices to:
– Streamline your practice operations
– Enhance patient engagement and retention
– Develop a strong online presence
– Implement ethical marketing techniques
– Stay up-to-date with industry trends and regulations
Ortho Voice
TADs Placement to Biomechanics
This comprehensive CDE program provides an in-depth exploration of Temporary Anchorage Devices (TADS), covering the fundamentals of placement to advanced biomechanics. Participants will gain a thorough understanding of TADS applications, enabling them to enhance their treatment outcomes and expand their orthodontic repertoire.
Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society Symposium
This symposium brings together renowned experts and thought leaders in orthodontics to share cutting-edge research, innovative techniques, and best practices in the field. Delve into the latest advancements and scientific discoveries published in the Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society, and engage in stimulating discussions on:
– Emerging trends and technologies in orthodontics
– Evidence-based treatment approaches and protocols
– Interdisciplinary collaborations and comprehensive care
– Future directions and research opportunities
Complex Camouflage Using and TADs.
Department of Periodontology, Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Sankalchand Patel University organized a career counseling program “Beyond BDS” for interns and final year students on 12/09/2022. The speakers, Dr. Rita Poptani (Pedodontist) gave an in depth insight about the areas to be focused on while preparing for PG entrance. She discussed in detail about how to select reading material and how not to devote time on aspects not usually covered during entrance examinations. The second speaker Dr. Pathik Dholakia who is currently working as in-charge Superintendant and Head of Dept of Dentistry at Govt Community health centre Kuvadva, gave detailed knowledge about the alternative vocational aspects after BDS. Dr. Anand Bhalodi a leading practitioner in Rajkot was the third speaker for the day who discussed about criterias for selection of subject for post graduation.
Workshop on Simplified Lingual Orthodontics
The Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics at Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Sankalchand Patel University, successfully hosted a One-Day Comprehensive Workshop on Simplified Lingual Orthodontics on December 19th, 2024.
The workshop featured Dr. G. Dharmadeep, a renowned expert in the field, as the esteemed speaker. Dr. Dharmadeep, inventor of the Selfy System, Head of R&D at JJ Orthodontics, and Associate Professor at GPRDCH, shared his valuable insights and expertise with the participants.
The workshop included a live bonding demo on a patient, accompanied by an extensive explanation of the procedure. This was followed by an informative lecture on lingual brackets, biomechanics, and their advantages. The interactive session provided a unique opportunity for participants to engage with Dr. Dharmadeep and gain hands-on knowledge in simplified lingual orthodontics.
ROAR 2024 – Sri Ramachandra Dental College, Chennai
We are very proud on the achivement of our third year resident Dr. Priyal S. Bhavsar, who secured third position in E-poster presentation –
Clinical innovation on the topic of SDA purpose TPA (Scissor bite- deep bite – anchorage purpose transpalatal arch). The event being “Ramachandra Orthodontic Accelerated Review” held in Sri Ramchandra Dental College and Hospital, Chennai, Tamilnadu by Indian Orthodontic Society.
“PRAGYA” PG Orientation Programme (Ortho Aarambh-2024).
Ortho Elevate Summit Practice Management and Ethical Marketing Symposium.
Paper presentation in Ortho elevate summit practice management and ethical marketing.

⦁ 16th – 21st January 2024 Dr Priyal Bhavsar 3rd year postgraduation student was awarded the 2nd prize in paper presentation in Ortho elevate summit practice management and ethical marketing .

⦁ 16th – 21st January 2024 Dr Upasana paul 2nd year postgraduation student was awarded the 1st prize in paper presentation in Ortho elevate summit practice management and ethical marketing.
Poster presentation in Ortho elevate summit practice management and ethical marketing.

⦁ 16th – 21st January 2024 Dr Vaibhavi Bhimda 1st year postgraduation student was awarded the 1st prize in poster presentation in Ortho elevate summit practice management and ethical marketing.

⦁ 16th – 21st January 2024 Dr Khushbu Rathod 1st year postgraduation student was awarded the 3rd prize in poster presentation in Ortho elevate summit practice management and ethical marketing.
‘Aligners Session’ in National Integrated Typodont Workshop.
Quiz competition in national integrated typodont workshop

⦁ 24th to 26th Dr. Anuj D. Patel 3rd year postgraduation student was awarded 1st prize in quiz competition of ‘Edgewise session’ in national integrated typodont workshop