Big Ground

Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College & Hospital

About Us

Welcome to the Department of Paediatric & Preventive Dentistry at the Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College & Hospital, Visnagar. Through its exemplary education research and service programs the department of paediatric dentistry:
Teaches students and residents the skills necessary for improving and maintaining the health of infants, children, adolescents and person with special needs. Trains families effectively in preventive measures which ensure the lifetime of excellent oral health.
The department promotes oral health within the community and develops policies and guidelines relating to the promotion and maintenance of good oral health among children.
The department was established within the aims of comprehensive training of the undergraduate students to acquire knowledge and skills in order to enable them to effectively deal with the problems encountered in a child. This course consists of didactic practical and clinical components for which the latest equipment and materials are available along with the qualified and efficient staff to supervise. The training is designed to provide the students with broadest possible exposure to paediatric dentistry including outpatient management school dental health programs counselling of parents and children and chair-side general anaesthesia for medically compromised patients.
The department is well equipped with 20 dental chairs for U.G and 11 dental chairs for PG and 1 dental chair for isolation room for an uncooperative child. The isolation room is equipped with instruments such as pulse-oximeter, wheelchair, Boyle’s apparatus, etc.
An isolation room for special child care, a counselling room equipped with audio-visual aids for educating parents and children. The Audio-visual modes for behaviour shaping and management and a wide range of latest dental materials along with facilities are available. The students can lay their hands on the state of the art equipment like RVG, pulp tester, rotary hand piece, Nitrous Oxide Machine etc, for clinical work. For preclinical training, we have included orthodontic wire bending along with the fabrication of appliances which is started in the third year of UG’s. Restorative skills are honed with practice on Typhodont before introducing them to patients.
Patients who require full mouth rehab are treated under GA in a safe hospital-based dental unit in the presence of Anaesthesiologist.
30 and more schools of Taluka are adopted by department of paediatric and preventive dentistry, over the period of inception.
Under Pedo-waves title Debarment has conducted 10 Expert lecture e and an extensive 5 Day CDE program on interceptive orthodontics which has been attended by delegate across the nation and speakers has been invited from national and international platform.


Dr. Shoba Fernandes

Professor & H.O.D.

Dr.Yash Bafna


Dr. Dharati Patel


Dr.Dimpal Parmar


Dr.Monika Patel



Noise to NO is

The Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, NPDCH organised a 2 days Hands-on Workshop [CDE points -12]programme on “Noise to NO IS”under mentorship of Dr.AkashPatodia,On Day 1 Brief introduction of resource person was followed by series of lectures based on the theoretical concepts of Nitrous oxide inhalation sedation .On Day 2, Clinical Demonstration about the equipment and sedation techniques was provided by Dr.Akash followed by hands-on application by the delegates on each other.

The Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry at Sankalchand Patel University in Visnagar hosted an Expert Talk Saga called “Pedo Waves,” featuring lectures on Painless to PainfreeDentistry, Fresh Breath Clinic, and Space Management. Dr. Yusuf Chunawalla, the Guest Speaker, provided in-depth insights on painless dental procedures and creating a fresh breath environment in clinical practice.

Department of pediatric and preventive dentistry organized a continued dental education programme and hands on workshop titled as “Made in India- Rainbow Stainless Crowns.” Session started with PowerPoint presentation on “Basics to stainless steel crown” by Dr.JeetNaik, renowned pediatric dentist and inventor of Rainbow stainless steel crowns followed by hands on demonstration of the same. It was very informative and thought-provoking meeting.

The Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry at Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar, organized a 5-day CDE programme called Pedowaves, “The Pursuit of Interception.” Guest speakers included Dr.SasilPoonnen, Dr.AshwinJawdekar, Dr.GayatriMoghe, and Dr.Sadanand Kulkarni. The event covered topics such as Frankel Appliance, Myofunctional Therapy, Arch Expansion, and 2*4 Appliance. The session concluded with a valedictory function and a conclusion speech.

The Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry at Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital organized a Mastering Experimental Research event. The guest speaker, Scientist Mr.AbhijitSatani, shared his knowledge on research methodologies and ethical practices. He conducted dental scaling procedures on eight normal patients and specially-abled children using a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI). This innovative approach aimed to observe and analyze changes in brain activity during dental procedures.

Virampur camp
Mental retarded School Camp - Disha- Khodiyaar educational Trust
GD school
Kuvasana Camp
School No. 5
School No. 7
School Camp at Nootan Global School
School Camp at Kanyashala - 2020
School Camp at Vaghjipura Primary School
School Camp at Kamana Anupam Prathmik Shala No.2



  1. Dr. Shoba Fernandes
    1. Best Paper Award– 44thISPPD Conference
    2. Best Paper Award– 42nd ISPPD Conference
  2. Dr. Yash Bafna
    1. Best Paper Award – 44th ISPPD Conference
    2. Best Paper Award– 42nd ISPPD Conference
    3. Patent Published – Iontophoresis probe for root canal dental treatment
  3. Dr. Dharati Patel
    1. Attended the International Student Exchange programme at MAHSA University, Malaysia.
    2. Received an SSIP grant of – 1,80,000 INR


    1. Received SOIC Grant – 50,000 INR – Dr. Harsh Mistry
    2. Best Paper Award–20th ISPPD PG Convention – Aakansha Singh
    3. Best Paper Award – 19thISPPD PG Convention – Aakansha Singh
    4. Best Paper Award– 43rd ISPPD Conference – Ruchir Mehta
    5. Best Paper Award– 43nd ISPPD Conference – Heli shah


PG and Faculty