About Us

Human Physiology is the science of how the body works and is one of the fundamental disciplines of modern medicine. Physiology investigates the interaction of molecules, cells, tissues and organs, and how these parts make up the whole body. Human Physiology at Liverpool has a focus on cellular and molecular mechanisms of disease. This knowledge will aid the students in providing excellent, quality patient care later on. Here we help the students to gain correct and co-relational knowledge about the functioning of various Body systems and their clinical correlations in diseased state.

Associate Professor & Head (i/c)
Experience: 13 Years

Faculty achievements
- Published 33 research articles in SCOPUS,EMBASE,WEB OF SCIENCE,PUBMED/PUBMED CENTRAL indexed national & international journals
- Presented 8 scientific research papers (Oral/Poster) national & international conferences
- Received best paper presentation award for a paper entitled “ A Prospective study of Biochemical Assay in Mice fed Refined High Sugar Diet and Unrefined High Sugar Diet at UGC-SAP Sponsored National Seminar on Advances in Toxicology and Serinanotechnology (ATS 2015) at Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu.
- Received best paper presentation award for a paper entitled “Study of estrous cycle and histopathological changes of ovaries of albino mice fed sesame oil diet in different phases at National conference on sleep-APTCON 2017 at Stanley Medical College Chennai, Tamil Nadu
- Attended “The Liver Week 2020” (in conjunction with the 14th International Symposium on Alcoholic Liver and Pancreatic Diseases (ALPD) and Cirrhosis) International conference held on August 13 and 14, 2020, at Seoul, South Korea (The Liver Week 2020 Virtual Conference) hosted by The Korean Association for the Study of the Liver (KASL), Co-hosted by The Korean Association of HBP Surgery (KAHBPS), The Korean Liver Cancer Association (KLCA), The Korean Liver Transplantation Society (KLTS), Conference was Organized by The Korean Association for the Study of the Liver (KASL), Seoul, South Korea.
- Attended AOCE-SICEM 2020, South Korea (The 17th Asia-Oceania Congress of Endocrinology and the 8th Seoul International Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolism) 28-31 Oct 2020 (Virtual Conference) on the basis of travel grant for scientific paper (poster) presentation.
- Delivered Lectures on Plagiarism in research and publications (Medical research); at National workshop on Plagiarism in research and publications, Chennai, 2019
- Served as Reviewer in both national and internal journals
- Attended various conferences/workshops & CMEs
- Participating in research as Guide/Co-investigator in Various ICMR-STS & Non ICMR Research projects
- Guided two ICMR-STS RESEARCH PROJECTS and published the reports in Pubmed/PMC, WoS Indexed journals
- Published two Patents successfully
1.Title of Invention: A method of treating or preventing at least one of postpartum depression and post partum anxiety in a female using lactic acid bacteria
Inventor: Dr.E.Gnanadesigan, Assistant Professor, Dept of Physiology, Nootan Medical College and Research Centre, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar, Gujarat, India
Date of filing: 14/12/2022
Date of Publishing: 23/12/2023
Field of Invention: Food
Application Number: 202221072096
2.Title of Invention: Machine learning based surgical data analysing in a Healthcare Environment and Powered surgical tool.
Inventor: Dr.E.Gnanadesigan, Assistant Professor, Dept of Physiology, Nootan Medical College and Research Centre, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar, Gujarat, India
Date of filing: 26/04/2023
Date of Publishing: 01/09/2023
Field of Invention: Biomedical Engineering
Application Number: 202321029980
- Excellence in Physiology (Sushruta Award) – International Exemplary Research & Performance Awards 2018, New Delhi, India
- Most innovative research award – International Exemplary Research & Performance Awards 2018, New Delhi, India
- Best young faculty award- GRABS Educational charitable trust, Chennai, 2019
- Best Research Publications award – Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar, Gujarat,2023
- Research Coordinatior award for conducting research – Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar, Gujarat,2023
- Participated in Faculty Development / Teacher’s Training Program on Creativity, Problem solving and Innovation (30-11-2019 to 06-12-2019), Organised by Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar, Gujarat State, India. 2019.
- Online faculty development program (FDP) on “teaching pedagogies-innovative ways”, Organized by GRABS Educational charitable trust & Tamil Nadu association of intellectuals and faculty (GRABS -TAIF), Chennai from 19-06-2020 to 25-06-2020.
- Online course on “Moodle learning Management system”, organized by GRABS Educational charitable trust & Tamil Nadu association of intellectuals and faculty (GRABS-TAIF), Chennai from 15-07-2020 to 19-07-2020
- Online course on “Writing a research paper or proposal”, organized by GRABS Educational charitable trust & Tamil Nadu association of intellectuals and faculty (GRABS-TAIF), Chennai from 22-07-2020 to 26-07-2020
- Participated in Medical education unit faculty development workshop on 5/1/2021 at Nootan Medical College & Research Centre, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar
- Participated in Faculty Training Workshop organized by IPDC & Sankalchand Patel University on integrated personality development course (IPDC), Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar, 7-8-2021
- Participated in WHO-VPD and RT Workshop on 21/2/2022 at Nootan Medical College & Research Centre, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar
- Curriculam Implementation Support Programme (CISP) I, in Medical Education Technology organised by Medical Education Unit (MEU), Nootan Medical College & Research Centre, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar, Gujarat State, India. 2019
- Successfully completed Curriculam Implementation Support Programme (CISP) II, held from 27-08-2020 & 28-08-2020 at Nootan Medical College & Research Centre, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar, under the aegis of MCI Nodal Centre for faculty Development, Smt. N H L Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat State, India. Name of MCI Observer : Dr.Kanan Shah (Observer: MCI Nodal Centre, NHL Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad).
- Successfully completed Revised Basic Course Workshop & AETCOM Sensitization Programme, held from 10-08-2021 to 12-08-2021 at Nootan Medical College & Research Centre, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar, under the aegis of MCI Nodal Centre for faculty Development, Smt. N H L Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat State, India. Name of MCI Observer : Dr.Kanan Shah (Observer: MCI Nodal Centre, NHL Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad)